I 'contacted' Earthlink. Actually, 'support...live chat'. Here's the great advice I got...
.....Hello, I'm Dave. I'm running Mac OS 10.4.11 and Safari 4.0.3. Since upgrading from Safari 3 to Safari 4, my start page...my.earthlink.net loads blank pages and sometimes freezes. NO other links or web sites do this. Does Earthlink have any info or fixes for this? Thx!
.....3 min wait ensues....says "hello, may I help"....
Solomon K: Okay, just try to click on the link given below and try to access the home page:
Solomon K:
....I almost spewed; did he not read my question?!....of course I got a blank page again....
Solomon K: May be there is some problem with the Safari 4 browser you are using.
.....I almost responded, "Duh!" ....but held my tongue as it were....
Solomon K: The only option to fix the issue is to install any other browser in your computer.
Solomon K: I am sorry Safari 4 is a new browser and some time you will have compatible issue with it.
Solomon K: So the only option is to install a new browser.
....I responded...'so you have no idea?...thx...night-night' ...
Incredible. I could call, but the problem with phone 'support' is I'll no doubt get the same type person and answers. I reckon since this issue has persisted for so long (with many other users), I'll just revert to v3. Can't say I din try.