Hey everyone. So after my first iMac 41 (flickering issue) and my 2nd iMac 47 (really yellow), I went back to the Apple store to replace it for my third (46). However, I had them open it up to take a look before I walked out again with a faulty computer. Once it booted up, I put it to the gray bar test (
http://tapplox.com/imac-led.html ) and sadly, it also failed. It was in much better condition in regards to the yellowing than my second iMac, but when color-correcting and designing, it was going to become an issue. I also tested the display iMacs, all of which failed some worse than others. However, this yellowing issue seems to be across all iMacs, with levels of severity.
Sadly, I opted to get my money back and wait till Apple figures it out. Good luck everyone.