I no longer have my previous email address that I used for my iTunes account so I tried to create a new account but it won't let me, it keeps telling me to set the computer's date correctly and to accept cookies from the iTunes Music Store. My computer's date is set correctly but how do I accept cookies from the Music Store?
I no longer have my previous email address that I used for my iTunes account so I tried to create a new account
You don't need to and should not create a new account.
Continue to use the same accout but update all the info.
Log in here ->
https://myinfo.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyInfo.woa and update all your info.
Note that your AppleID name does NOT need to be an email address.
I can log into iTunes, but can't get into my account information to make changes. I can't make any purchases either. It just keeps spitting out the same "sign in to view account information" prompt.
I just figured it out! I opened up Safari and accepted cookies from there as the error message kept telling me to and it works now! I was able to use my old email address after all as you had said -- thank you!
Creating an account of iTune has become a nightmare.I could create Apple ID and password account but whenever I log on to iTunes it says that 'this account has not been used before and review account status'. Then it gives me agreement in Arabic only with no option to change into English, then form to fill out card and mane address info, where it sometimes accepts my bank Mater Card sometimes does not. There is no option I see that says click if no card available as was told to me by my friend. If it accepts my card then says enter Postcode but I do no see any section to enter it at all and from this point I cannot proceed further. If I try to download Free applications using apple ID and password, it says Error 2001.
Is there any solution?