Connecting to McDonald's WiFi
McDonald's with WiFi - check
AT&T DSL Account Credentials - check
For the last two years I've been able to use McDonald's WiFi with my MacBook using my AT&T login information. Just pull up a browser and then get prompted to login. Enter DSL email address & password and then I'm online using their WiFi.
Today I went to McDonalds with my new iPod Touch expecting a similar procedure and experience but something else happened.
I chose the Waypoint WiFi and got a good signal but whenever I tried to do anything requiring online access I got a blank white screen with a bold header labeled "LOGIN". There was no place I could see where I could enter my login credentials. I also tried the WiFi SSID labeled ATT and got the same results.
I even tried just opening a page in Safari hoping to get the login web page but it said I was not connected even though I had a signal. Then the white login page came up again. I cannot tell what this blank white page is from ... the iPod Touch O/S, Safari, or something else... it doesn't seem to be a Safari page since I don't have the controls.
Anyone have any insight to this issue? Or at least know what program is putting up the white page?
(2) Mini 1.66 Ghz Duo Core • MacBook 1.83 Ghz Duo Core, Mac OS X (10.5.8), (2) B+W G3/500 • Gigabit G4/1.6 Ghz Dual