You know guys must really be stupid if you think that Monster or Best Buy are paying me to sell their stuff, I mean seriously....did you see me post any link on the product, NO. Did you hear me say Hey I work for Monter and we have a great product you should go out and buy, NO. I don't know if you just don't know how to read or have no common sense but if thats what you think then I guess there's no help for you. Sorry for trying to give back to the Apple community with some information, it may not be the Solve all problems solution everyone is hoping for but that isn't going to happen anyways. DeepRoot, seriously you are an idiot. You come down on others who are just trying to help. I don't care if you ever get your problem fixed. ******* on a forum isn't gonna get Apple to recall millions of machines so if you wanna be an internet tough guy then flame on! Here's two ways it can go:
1. Get it replaced by apple through warranty and hope it doesn't happen again
2. Get it replaced with money from your pocket and hope it doesn't happen again
I understand its a design flaw and it is something they should address and hopefully they will with the new iMacs, but guess what......that isn't gonna help you with your computer becuase they aren't just gonna give everyone new computers.
So much for trying to help out others......I'm glad your screen is messed up DeepThroat....I mean DeepRoot 😀and I hope you never get the problem fixed just becuase of your stupidity. Maybe your grey streaks are a result from watching too much **** 😁😮😉 I like how you quoted my "please give it a try" <= Because that really sounds like a sales ad....moron.
For anyone else out there it was just a tip and I gave all that specific information so nobody would have to ask what i used or where i got it from IF they wanted to give it a try. And yeah he was happy with what it looked like....maybe the grey streaks will bother him in a day or two, but some progress was better than nothing for him at the time so whateves.
Good luck to everyone else out there with the problem....I hope you all get your resolutions.