I bought 2 OWC Mercury Elite Pro drive enclosures which have FW800 and USB3, for use on my late 2009 iMac11,1. Prior to purchase I wrote OWC and asked them if there were any sleep/wake issues. They informed me flat out that "those problems were fixed back in 2010" and that the drives they ship now have the newest chipsets which have no sleep/wake issues whatsoever. Well, I bought 2 enclosures and put 1TB spinning platter drives in them. One is a WD BLUE and the other is a stock Apple 1TB drive. In either case, when connected via FW800, the drives NEVER SLEEP, except when EJECTED. Sleeping the Mac or using a Terminal command to sleep externals in 1min. will not sleep either drive when using FW800. When using the USB connection, it is slow on my Mac because it only has USB2, but it does sleep as expected. However, as reported in this thread, it wakes quite often, and at times when it is NOT backing up to Time Machine. Strangely, it does this not long after I wake either the computer or merely wake the display. It spins up, then sleeps 1 min. later (as per my 1min. timer command in the Terminal), but then it will spin up a few minutes later, then sleep 1 min. after that, then spin up a few minutes later, then spin down 1 min. after that. After that, it seems to behave itself and remain asleep for a long time.
The really frustrating part is the FW800 connections though. That's why I bought these drives. I want to use that because it's faster on my older iMac11,1. And in the future, when I buy a new Mac, I can use USB at USB3 speeds. But since I do not wish to destroy my externals by leaving them spinning all the time, I am forced to use the USB connection.
Lastly, I'd like to add that OWC Tech Support asked me to Reset the SMC and PRAM, which I did, but it did not help at all.