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address book sharing slow

hello, it is now two weeks we are running our new MACs . we are all 10.6.2 (3 clients + 1 mac mini server)

I was able to create a shared address book adding the same account on each clients.

What I see is that it is really slow, useless for business applications, you can wait for minutes after you click on one contact or jump from one group to a different one.

our database is made by 1000 contacts and approx 6Mb

any idea?


macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), macmini server - macbook - iMac 21" - macbook pro

Posted on Feb 8, 2010 12:12 AM

82 replies

Dec 8, 2010 8:10 AM in response to X9--__

happy to have figured out:
for those who want to snyc a server shared address book (tested with the one account-several clients version) with their iphone

you have to create an CardDAV Account on your iphone
1. on your iphone go to "settings"
2. click on "mail,contacts,calendars"
3. accounts: click on "add accounts"
4. click on "Other"
5. click on "Add CardDAV Account"
6. enter your access data.
for "Server" enter DNS name of Server (alternatively IP address of Server)
Wait the "veryfying" phase

Syncing now works fine in the local network.

Dec 9, 2010 10:52 AM in response to Axiom Attic


Positive results were short-lived. The next day, spinning wheels returned with a vengeance to all three users.

Because of the outcry, I was forced to copy contents of the shared address book into a local group so they could access the records in a timely manner. They aren't happy that they can't share and update the same data, but they're glad the response time is good.

Sigh. 10.6.4 server was supposed to fix this. Any word on if 10.6.5 does?

Dec 13, 2010 4:17 PM in response to moritzps

I'm new to this thread, I share the frustration with those of you who have also experienced the dreadfully slow address book sharing. We run a Mac Mini Server (10.6.4) serving in the main 3 client iMacs (10.6.4). Today ABS ground to a virtual halt. It was never very snappy in the first place. (We share out a common, some would call a 'dummy" account for our shared office contacts - called "office contacts". We then add this account to each client AB. This was "OKed" by an Apple Consultant).

I have found that if I delete the shared account on the AB client and add it again things are much improved. I mean things become quite useable again. (I will endeavour to report back when things slow up again).

Does this mean the problem is a client one??

Any further thought would be much appreciated - thanks...

Dec 14, 2010 4:31 PM in response to GM1977

Spoke with Apple Support today, they clearly spelt the situation out to me. Address Book Server is only designed to hold the contacts for individual users. And that it's purpose is to allow that user to access their contacts when logged in to their home directory from other computers bound to the server. End of story.

What I am doing and other are also doing - IE setting up an account for contacts on the server and sharing this with others is a "work around" which is not supported by Apple. This is supposed to work for sharing contacts for read only, but as soon as more than one user attempts to edit contacts (simultaneously) the data can get corrupted.

The Apple Support Guy suggested that I opt for some third part server solutions to serve up the contacts to our office! (Apple - please take note)

This seems beyond fundamental that a simple, fast, reliable, robust contacts database server is not available with Apple Server Software...


Dec 14, 2010 7:32 PM in response to Dr Timbo

First, please see my (intentionally very terse) write up here:

- which is written from the basis of your having working DNS (see below) and
fully functional OpenDirectory (the server in question is an OD Master for example)
and your user accounts are OD accounts, and that you are using an "Advanced" configuration.
(I've never used anything else, as it is the current equivalent to what one worked with in 10.3 server, 10.4 server, etc.)

Second, for those that are not yet aware of it, OS X Server must - absolutely and categorically - have confirmed, verified working (forward and reverse) DNS lookup.
That is for a baseline level of functionality for any and all services, and is consistent with networking101 in terms of a functional network in 2010.

If your DNS isn't right, don't pass Go. RUN don't walk to fix your DNS.
A basic first check should be, in the Terminal, on the server:
sudo changeip -checkhostname

And on a client machine (10.6) in the Terminal:
dscacheutil -q host -a name fqdn.of.yourserver


As for Address Book server, I found it tends to need a little extra work out of the box.
I strongly encourage you to avoid using one single account on all user workstations and one "dummy" account on the server to house the information. Such a pursuit is moving decidedly away from a proper multi-user access configuration and should be seen as rather unsatisfactory.

With DNS correctly set up & confirmed working, you want to use the FQDN of your server when configuring the account in (clients') Address Book, not the IP address.

10.6 is required for your client workstations, as the 10.5 version of (client) Address Book does not appear to support CardDav - which you want and need.

For those of you with users with network homes, there are a wide variety of programs that do a lot of caching & generally work best with access to a local, directly-attached disk. It should be part of your standard best-practices to setup redirection for the appropriate directories for such apps, and doing so for AddressBook could well help a great deal. Please see

If you have 10.5 clients, or want to be able to specify read-only access for example,
I suggest you try working with
Just make certain not to setup any shared calendaring with it if you're using Apple's iCal (caldav) server, including client-side configuration (where an install is necessary to work with this 3rd-party product.

Best regards and best to you (all) in your endeavors with this !

-- David

Dec 21, 2010 12:45 AM in response to GM1977

Count me in. We are running Mac OS X 10.6.5 on macmini server, and AB hosts 13,000 contacts, shared on 2 macs (MBP and macmini).

The speed is extremely slow, even when I set the sync schedule to be "manually". Editting a contact takes forever. Entering recipient's name in Mail program take forever too... When I copy all these 13 thousands to local, then things are back to normal.

Should I wait for...ever until Apple releases the patch for this problem (also having problem that birthdays does not show on iCal Birthday, but I wont hijack the thread on this issue).

Regards from Vietnam,

Dec 23, 2010 12:03 PM in response to nttranbao

You can improve performance slightly with the following two modifications to the server process:

sudo serveradmin settings addressbook:MaxAddressBookMultigetHrefs=15000
sudo serveradmin settings addressbook:MaxAddressBookQueryResults=10000

However, contact sets over 750 begin to exhibit negative experience with the user. This is in individual configurations, not dummy user multiple concurrent access situations.

Now, I will point out that I've been struggling with Apple on this issue since June and they have ignored it like a red headed step child. It is clear to me that Apple has no intention of resolving this issue in the Snow Leopard product cycle. And based on my testing and reporting to Apple, the issue is not OS X Server or the Address Book Server process. The issue is Address

This can be proven when using Safari to browse the CardDAV store. The response for thousands of records is nearly instant. This is also proven when using iOS 4 or later. Pointing OS X's Address and the iPhone at the same data store will result in the iPhone working acceptably (yes, initial sync can seem like an eternity) while Address remains a dog. In addition, the same poor performance of Address can be witnessed when connecting to a Kerio CardDAV connection. Really, a small handheld is beating a desktop app in performance?

My advice at this point is to find another solution. AppleCare and Developer Connection have been silent on this issue for months. With Lion about 6 months away, I really doubt anything will get resolved here. Just another Enterprise promise broken.

Message was edited by: Strontium90

Jan 26, 2011 2:07 PM in response to Strontium90

+My advice at this point is to find another solution.+

We've been experiencing this same issue with both ACS and Zimbra's CardDAV implementation. Those with more than a few hundred contacts have deep difficulty with beachballing in Address, while other clients work fine.

We've found MobileMe or using the Zimbra Connector to be unreliable for syncing contacts and calendars when there are several devices. We were hoping that CardDAV would be similar to our move to CalDAV for calendaring (which tends to work well.) I very much hope Apple fixes CardDAV in Address, because the way it is now isn't even suitable for personal contacts when someone has a large social circle.

The major use case where I am is the ability to add an address to the server's address book directly from Are there any third-party clients or tools that would allow a user to select an e-mail address of a sender in an e-mail message and have it automatically added to the server and synced to devices?

Jan 28, 2011 1:58 PM in response to Strontium90

Could you please explain what you mean by "This can be proven when using Safari to browse the
CardDAV store."?

Also, I am virtually certain this is a server issue, not a client issue. It's true that the iPhone is more
responsive, as you correctly observed, but if you look closely, you will see that the little network access
wheel spins for quite a long time after you make an edit. The difference, I believe, is just that the UI
was designed not to wait until the server gets its head out if its butt.

For anyone who might be able to make more sense out of this than I (who know nothing about WebDAV),
I am posting the access log and error logs of a single delete transaction. (the first short
excerpt is from the access log. The rest is the error log. I have put a break in the 22 second gap after
13:59:03, just to mark the delay. In fact, there was no gap in the log.

What I can see, is that
1. The client (or the server thinks the client) tries to log in unauthenticated twice, before accepting the
PROPFIND command on a third, authenticated, try. (The multiple wasted unauthenticated tries seems
like sloppiness somewhere, although it does not seem to be the primary issue.)
2. Then the server searches the cache, unsuccessfully.
3. Then, finally, it (I think!) searches the database directly.
4. Then 22 seconds pass. Why? Is there supposed to be a response to the PROPFIND command logged?
IS there one? Does the client eventually just throw up its hands and say, "I've waited long enough, I'm
just going to send a delete command"? Could this be a problem?
5. Anyway, the unauthenticated, unauthenticated, authenticated waltz is repeated, and the address
is finally deleted. Hooray.

Is this enlightening to anyone?

Access log: - - [28/Jan/2011:13:59:02 -0400] "PROPFIND /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/ HTTP/1.1" 401 141 "-" "Address%20Book/875 CFNetwork/454.11.5 Darwin/10.5.0 (i386) (Macmini3%2C1)" [6.3 ms] [8844 1] - - [28/Jan/2011:13:59:02 -0400] "PROPFIND /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/ HTTP/1.1" 401 141 "-" "Address%20Book/875 CFNetwork/454.11.5 Darwin/10.5.0 (i386) (Macmini3%2C1)" [6.0 ms] [8844 1] - [28/Jan/2011:13:59:03 -0400] "PROPFIND /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/ HTTP/1.1" 207 1192 "-" "Address%20Book/875 CFNetwork/454.11.5 Darwin/10.5.0 (i386) (Macmini3%2C1)" [282.5 ms] [8844 1] - - [28/Jan/2011:13:59:25 -0400] "DELETE /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/1628B447-675B-4FA2-9446-27AA1FED9BCC-ABSPlugin.vcf HTTP/1.1" 401 141 "-" "Address%20Book/875 CFNetwork/454.11.5 Darwin/10.5.0 (i386) (Macmini3%2C1)" [6.5 ms] [8844 1] - - [28/Jan/2011:13:59:25 -0400] "DELETE /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/1628B447-675B-4FA2-9446-27AA1FED9BCC-ABSPlugin.vcf HTTP/1.1" 401 141 "-" "Address%20Book/875 CFNetwork/454.11.5 Darwin/10.5.0 (i386) (Macmini3%2C1)" [6.7 ms] [8844 1] - [28/Jan/2011:13:59:26 -0400] "DELETE /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/1628B447-675B-4FA2-9446-27AA1FED9BCC-ABSPlugin.vcf HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Address%20Book/875 CFNetwork/454.11.5 Darwin/10.5.0 (i386) (Macmini3%2C1)" [305.7 ms] [8844 1]
Error log.
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [HTTPChannel,810,] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] GetClientAddress(host='', port=58825)
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] result = AmpBox({'_answer': '627', 'host': '', 'port': '64182'})
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [addressbookserver.provision.root#info] Unauthenticated users not enabled with the 'addressbook' SACL
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [] Getting Cache Token for '40529143635706101657652538015428002403284424733689190597'
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [] Setting Cache Token for '40529143635706101657652538015428002403284424733689190597'
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [HTTPChannel,812,] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] GetClientAddress(host='', port=58827)
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] result = AmpBox({'_answer': '628', 'host': '', 'port': '64185'})
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [addressbookserver.provision.root#info] Unauthenticated users not enabled with the 'addressbook' SACL
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [] Getting Cache Token for '324145617233519746216005813245549566731145786113637426457'
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [] Setting Cache Token for '324145617233519746216005813245549566731145786113637426457'
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [HTTPChannel,813,] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] GetClientAddress(host='', port=58828)
2011-01-28 13:59:02-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] result = AmpBox({'_answer': '629', 'host': '', 'port': '64186'})
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [-] [twistedcaldav.cache.MemcacheResponseCache#debug] hashing key for get: ('PROPFIND', '/principals/_uids_/14F36AEA-95D2-4972-BC26-22A949BFE5ED/', '/addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/', '0', 4743151936869921573) to '00ac81f7c265221483dcd95f938b096a'
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [-] [twistedcaldav.cache.MemcacheResponseCache#debug] Checking cache for: '00ac81f7c265221483dcd95f938b096a'
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [-] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [-] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.cache.MemcacheResponseCache#debug] Not in cache: '00ac81f7c265221483dcd95f938b096a'
2011-01-28 13:59:03-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.extensions#info] PROPFIND /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/ HTTP/1.1
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [HTTPChannel,814,] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] GetClientAddress(host='', port=58830)
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] result = AmpBox({'_answer': '62a', 'host': '', 'port': '64191'})
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [addressbookserver.provision.root#info] Unauthenticated users not enabled with the 'addressbook' SACL
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [] Getting Cache Token for '176338867087046732190082476761184731168841123273853073655'
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [] Setting Cache Token for '176338867087046732190082476761184731168841123273853073655'
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [HTTPChannel,816,] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] GetClientAddress(host='', port=58832)
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] result = AmpBox({'_answer': '62b', 'host': '', 'port': '64193'})
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [addressbookserver.provision.root#info] Unauthenticated users not enabled with the 'addressbook' SACL
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [] Getting Cache Token for '488631217415836679412525151549904578551159231456520613440'
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [] Setting Cache Token for '488631217415836679412525151549904578551159231456520613440'
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [HTTPChannel,817,] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] GetClientAddress(host='', port=58833)
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.pdmonster.PDClientAddressWrapper#debug] result = AmpBox({'_answer': '62c', 'host': '', 'port': '64194'})
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore#debug] Cache miss: <twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore object at 0x104953990>, '/Library/AddressBookServer/Documents/addressbooks/_uids_/F2/55/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook', ('DAV:', 'resourcetype')
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.extensions#info] DELETE /addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/1628B447-675B-4FA2-9446-27AA1FED9BCC-ABSPlugin.vcf HTTP/1.1
2011-01-28 13:59:25-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore#debug] Cache miss: <twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore object at 0x104953390>, '/Library/AddressBookServer/Documents/addressbooks/_uids_/F2/55/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/1628B447-675B-4FA2-9446-27AA1FED9BCC-ABSPlugin.vcf', ('', 'getcontentmd5')
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore#debug] Cache miss: <twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore object at 0x104953050>, '/Library/AddressBookServer/Documents/addressbooks/_uids_/F2/55/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook', ('DAV:', 'resourcetype')
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore#debug] Cache miss: <twistedcaldav.extensions.CachingPropertyStore object at 0x10632ff50>, '/Library/AddressBookServer/Documents/addressbooks/_uids_/F2/55/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8', ('', 'quota-used')
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twisted.web2.dav.fileop#info] Deleting file /Library/AddressBookServer/Documents/addressbooks/_uids_/F2/55/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8/addressbook/1628B447-675B-4FA2-9446-27AA1FED9BCC-ABSPlugin.vcf
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.cache.MemcacheChangeNotifier#debug] Changing Cache Token for '/addressbooks/_uids_/F2557B5F-872A-459A-AA82-A9111D4FF6D8'
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Busied client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [AMP,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 1, #busy: 1, #pending: 0, #queued: 0
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Freed client: <twistedcaldav.memcachepool.PooledMemCacheProtocol instance at 0x102451680>
2011-01-28 13:59:26-0500 [-] [carddav-8801] [PooledMemCacheProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.memcachepool.MemCachePool#debug] Clients #free: 2, #busy: 0, #pending: 0, #queued: 0

address book sharing slow

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