Success on 10.10.3.
Well, eventually.
From 10.9.5, installed 10.10.3, had an almost immediate freeze. Had to press power button to restart. After restarting, quickly deleted and installed the needed kexts, and ran sudo nvram boot-args=“kext-dev-mode=1” from Terminal. Tried to restart but disk activity would not stop even at black screen so I hard restarted again. Kexts did not load.
Edited the /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ <key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string> </string> to <string>x86_64 </string>, tried to restart, same thing, hard restarted, and kexts did not load.
Installed kexts again, thinking that the installation failed. Tried dmaude’s routine of chmod -R 755 ATI2400Controller.kext etc. but got error chmod: ATI2400Controller.kext: No such file or directory.
Tired changing permissions on the files directly giving wheel R/W, restarted, kexts did not load.
Got rid of x86_64 and edited boot.plist, adding kext-dev-mode=1 instead. Restart again. Kexts did not load.
In System Report Extensions I saw the kexts were there but not loaded: Kext signature validation error code -67061
Finally for the 3rd time after a successful restart, edited boot.plist again, emptied the <string> </string>, like it was originally, and ran sudo nvram boot-args=“kext-dev-mode=1” again from Terminal. Entered password, restarted, and glory be, kexts loaded and all is good.
What would be wonderful is if some developer would get a Kext signing certificate from Apple so these kexts would work in future iterations of Yosemite.