Saving PDFs on iPad
I need to save PDF files to the iPad to read offline..... Period and we shouldn't have to pay extra for it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
Boberino wrote:
A lie? That's a little strong, don't you think?
Chris Shaker wrote:
Using GoodReader, I can save PDF files that were generated on other computers to my iPad, and to my iPhone, so that I can read them off network on the iPad/iPhone.
If I understand you correctly, you want to create a PDF file with some app running on the iPhone, and save that PDF file locally on the iPhone/iPad?
Chris Shaker
iinsic wrote:
Chris Shaker wrote:
Using GoodReader, I can save PDF files that were generated on other computers to my iPad, and to my iPhone, so that I can read them off network on the iPad/iPhone.
If I understand you correctly, you want to create a PDF file with some app running on the iPhone, and save that PDF file locally on the iPhone/iPad?
Chris Shaker
Precisely, but more like the Print-to-PDF utility on regular Macs. For example, let's say I make a purchase online with my iPad, then want to "save" (print-to-PDF) the receipt for later transfer to my desktop/laptop for archival storage.
Is there an app that does that?
virtualgeo wrote:
iinsic wrote:
Precisely, but more like the Print-to-PDF utility on regular Macs. For example, let's say I make a purchase online with my iPad, then want to "save" (print-to-PDF) the receipt for later transfer to my desktop/laptop for archival storage.
Is there an app that does that?
Short answer: NO. There is no "Print-to-PDF" function on the iPad. In fact, there is no Print-to-anything" on the iPad.
Saving PDFs on iPad