I think I have solved this problem - well I have for me anyway!!!
I use Google Calendar on my Vista PC
I bought Cloud Calendar from the app store on my iPad 2
It's easier to do than to explain, but you use the PC (easier) to set up various ''calendars''. You can assign a colour (and other parameters) to each ''calendar''. You then set up your appointments, So for me, a teacher, I just have three ''calendars'' (think of them as types of appointment) - school lessons - seminars - Skype lessons - each with a different colour.
Then, on the ipad, you open the application. At the top, on the right there is a sybol that looks like two arrows making a circle. when you tap this, it syncs with the PC version. Now, go to the top left where there is a little sybol which when tapped opens an edit box. In there, you'll see all your Calendars, with the different colours. You tap them to get a tick next to them and VOILA! - now you have you calandar on your ipad with colour coded appointments.
Now I am 65 years old. If this solved your problem, make a commitment to NEVER be ageist against my generation again !!!!
Wayne - Prague - Czech Republic