Open notepad as administrator, and direct yourself to:
open the "Hosts" file:
note the "" portion near the bottom. your hosts may be different, and if so, then look for that part specifically. the problem for me, lied within the fact that just before the "" part, there originally was no hash(#) with the space like the rest of the hosts file. This was all I had to fix. After editing and then saving the hosts file in notepad. I restarted iTunes and the update went through without a hitch!
so if you do not see the hash and space before the "" part, all you have to do is put the #, and then press tab! I hope this works for some of you guys! 😀 So just to be clear, that particular line in the file should look like:
good luck! 🙂
EDIT: GRRR! Sorry. I'll just try to link to my original thread since apple's forums don't like the way I put specific characters! LOL er-could-not-contacted-error-try.html
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