I have a new Macbook Pro 2.66 / 8 GB, 15" and an iPad and an iPhone. The problem is that every now and then - about once a day or so, iTunes doesn't see the iPad or iPhone when they are plugged in. The device starts charging but there is no indication that a sync is occuring.
Following the instructions here:
http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1747 I reinstall iTunes and replace the AppleMobileDevice kexts and then things are fine, but after another day or so the problem occurs again. I have not been able to determine what might be causing that. Any idea?
Macbook Pro 2.66 i7, 8 GB, 15",
Mac OS X (10.6.3),
iMovie 09, Aperture 3, Fuji Finepix HS10, iPad 64 Wifi, iPhone 3GS 32
Yes I have exactly that problem, between a MacAir and a new Ipad and Iphone 3gs. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard... and it did occur to me that THIS is the actual prob. Worse, I spent 2 hours at the Apple shop in London and they were unable to put it right either. The BIG prob is that when you reinstall Itunes - everything works fine. It is only when you turn off and then return next day... that all is lost, and nothing is recognised. This is a serious issue that is big enough to force me back to windows...
Sorry for delayed update. Fact is the problem was solved after a clean system install, 10.5.8, a complete disinstall of itunes and then installing 9.2. No problems since.
Same for me! My system did not contain some of the files that had to be deleted, but otherwise I did follow all the instructions on the Apple support site.
This was not a big issue for me because it only effected the test system I had installed the update on and so I had not spent time to try the fix (figuring that there would be a new update soon). Looks like a careful removal of iTunes and a complete reinstall may be the final fix.
Let me sadly add my name to the pile - after 2 installs of iTunes finally got my iPad to appear and thought I was in business. Next day, plugged in, no Ipad.
Reinstalled again, then it worked for 2 days, third day, no iPad.
Come on Apple - this is your hot new product that is 'easy and brilliant" - get it together and get a usable solution published.
I am having the same trouble. After spending $700 on this thing, it's extremely frustrating to reinstall iTunes every time I want to sync. Apple folks, please help!!!!!
I have the problem where it shows iPad is in the devices menu on itunes, but it comes up with NO summery page, what the **** is up with that?!!
Ah well, if it shows the device is there on itunes, and has the same problem as me, i find dragging and dropping the music folder on the top left of itunes to the ipad device works very muchly... but try it for yourself, see if it works xD
I just got my iPad last Wed. I was all excited to bring it to ComiCon, but when I got it home, iTunes did not recognize it. I tried everything. I just installed a brand new copy of Snow Leopard on my G5 Tower. I reinstalled iTunes, the latest version, 9.2.1 (4). I tried every possibility and combination that Apple recommends and still nothing. I can't even get the darned thing up and running the first time! (iPhoto does see it, like someone else in this forum said, but what good is that if there is nothing on it?) What a disapointment. I had to leave it at home because there was not time to go to the Apple store before I left for San Diego. Now I have an appt. tomorrow at the Genius bar, but I'm afraid after reading these posts that they'll get it working there, and I'll get it home, and iTunes won't recognize it. I refuse to have to continually reinstall iTunes, and if it doesn't work, I'm returning it. I spend over $900 dollars on this thing. It better work right. Apple, you are seriously losing my trust in you.
I adquired a new iPad, this i my first Macintosh product I ever had, and since I bought it i cant sync any kind of music, video, photos, etc.. when i connected my iPad to my computer ( Alien ware, Windows 7, 64-bit) it made me kind of an account, with my name but several issues appeared in the screen:
**The iPad cannot be synced. The required file cannot be found.
**The iPad cannot be synced. A duplicate file name was specified.
**The iPad cannot be synced. The required disk cannot be found.
**The iPad cannot be synced. A folder was specified instead of a file.
This first time my iPad was detected by itunes, but none of the syncing services was available.
I installed all updates, and then my iPad was not appearing in iTunes.
I tried all this things:
**Re-installing iTunes
**Turning off: Computer - iPad
**Restoring iPad
**Sales Store Apple Mexico
**Another USB cable
**Installed iTunes 32-bit, with compatibility mode.
I was having the same problem with iPad and iTunes. Reloading iTunes every time I wanted to sync was unacceptable option so I called tech support and all they told me I had to do was Software Update (under apple logo), which I did. It took about a minute for iTunes to figure out that there was iPad attached, but it finally did.
Now, I don't know if the problem is solved for good. I'll have to wait till next sync.
Hope this helps.
Everything has worked fine since the 25th (5 days). Several reboots, sleep/wake cycles and a software update. I'm happy that a complete wipe/reinstall of iTunes did the trick.
This worked for me! (turning off laptop wifi and then re-launching iTunes).
I was having the same problem on my WinXP PC using iTunes I didn't re-install iTunes. I just turned off the WiFi and viola! It recognized my iPad. Thanks travisstew.