I am using an M-Audio keystation 49e with garage band and for some reason, I cant get it to be recognized as an input device. What am I doing wrong? The blue light is on but when I go to system profiler, I dont see it on the USB list. Help!!!
15 MBP, 17 iMac, iBook 14, PM7600 G3266, IIvx,
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I used my Keystation 61 on a PC before I switched to Mac. After installing the right driver available on the homepage it came into function at once 🙂 . So I would try updating the driver. I'm using an iMac
I'm having the same difficulties with my Keystation 49e. The computer seems to recognize the device, in that I see it in the Audio MIDI Setup as well as Garageband (I have v2.02) says under MIDI Status: 1 Midi Input detected. However, under audio input in the System Preferences AND in the Audio/MIDI preferences in Garageband only show Built-in Audio as the possible choice for Audio Input. I am plugging my keyboard through the USB port. Any thoughts as to why this doesn't work? I used it a few months ago and it was fine.
That's actually a good question. I have not yet, because I don't have another USB cable that fits into the back of the keyboard. However, I can't imagine that's the problem because, the computer still recognizes when the MIDI is plugged in and when it is not. Both in the Audio MIDI Setup and Garageband, it recognizes a MIDI is plugged in. I have not tried playing it through the keyboard though and I run the sound through some Bose speakers. I can hear other things coming out of the speakers (i.e. if I play some loops or something), so I'm not sure if that is the case). I just don't understand how the computer can recognize the MIDI, but not recognize me playing anything on the keyboard. Is it worth buying a new USB cable?
Hey, so sorry for the delay. After trying another chord, I'm still having the same problem. Recognizes MIDI and that it is turned on, but no option to have it as an audio input and GB won't play any sounds. Any other thoughts as to what the problem is?
Yeah, I am definitely making a software track. Sorry about the confusion, I thought maybe you needed to change audio inputs or something. But I definitely make a software track, GB says it detects the MIDI, but I don't even see a little light next to the tempo/time bar at the bottom of the screen when I play any notes. Very frustrating.
Sorry about the delay again. I don't think it is the settings on the keyboard. There aren't really settings there to mess around with. It is definitely sending a signal though because when I move the volume lever on the keyboard, Garageband recognizes the volume going up or down on the computer. Still can't hear anything though.
Hi there, I am having a similar problem, some instruments work and others don't. For example, Sound Effects -> Nature Sounds no longer works, it did work, my three year old was playing with it and now it no longer works at all. I thought a change would have had an effect to all instruments and not just one particular one... any idea why it would stop working? I've quit and restarted GB, restarted the computer, only thing I haven't done is reinstall GB... Thanks, RM
I may be incorrect (and if so I apologize), but some sounds appear to be assigned to a "geographical" location on midi keyboards... so if certain sounds aren't working, you may want to try switching up the octave settings (my M-Audio 49i has physical buttons to change this) and at times I've had some success...
...but still nothing that would get my organ sounds to work 😟
The 49e is a midi controller there is no audio it uses garageband sounds. Plug it in and create a software instrument track, choose you sound in track info window.