The intel docs state the following:
Max temperature at CPU core = 105°C.
Max temperature at Mem and GFX controller = 100°C.
In fact the docs state that Intel recommends the following:
Quote: Intel recommends full cooling capability well before the DTS reading reaches Tj,max.
They recommend that the cooling components to operate at maximum capacity 10°C before the specified maximum allowed temperature.
My guess is that there's something firmware related going FUBAR in our MacBook Pro's related to thermal control. The CoreI7 has features that dynamically throttle CPU voltage. There are safeguards in place which reduce clockspeeds when things start to go outside of acceptable operating parameters.
Clearly in califfo1975's case this hasn't happened in the instance he recorded. In fact I would encourage everyone who is experiencing a freeze to hard reset immediately. Since as far as I have seen the laptops really seem to heat up when frozen. And operating a CPU outside of the specified operating temperatures can in fact fry the system literally.
Also do not leave your MacBook Pro unattended when it's frozen, it may be a fire hazard for as long as the unit is in this state.
Tech data about the CoreI7s can be found here:
The chip in the MacBook Pro I7 is the i7-620m.
This is a direct link to the CoreI7 technical document containing the temperature related info:
Search for "tj,max" (minus the quotes).
Message was edited by: Jeroen Leenarts