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I moved country, changed iTunes stores and now my Apps can't be updated!?


I know about how to change country etc for purchases in iTunes, this isn't about that.

I had a UK iTunes account and bought apps there.
I've now moved to Australia and changed my iTunes account to Australia using an Australian credit card, and I've bought some apps here.

iTunes is telling me that I have a bunch of Apps I can update, though when I go to update them it says there's none available.

I've gone to the UK iTunes Store and clicked update, and there they are - but they won't download as I need to change my billing info again.

So, here's the question - is iTunes actually that limited that one account can only have one credit card linked to it?

I live permanently in Australia now, but have purchased over 100 Apps while in the UK... am I right in saying that every time I want to update an app I have to fill out all my UK credit card and billing information, update, then fill in all my Australian billing details again when I want to switch back to the Australian store... over and over again for the rest of my life!?

I understand some Apps won't be available in one country VS the other, that's not the problem here. This is with worldwide available apps - I can see the apps in the Australian store, but because I've bought them in UK I can't update them in Australia.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

Posted on May 27, 2010 8:09 PM

280 replies

Oct 28, 2011 8:48 AM in response to Steven Drew

Same here: Moved Country and having problems not only with Apps but also with already purchsed Music/Videos in Germany while now having switched to iTunes USA. For Music I tested if I can re-download the same song for free but no - I have been charged again for the same song under the same iTunes account but with different country setting and only the newly purhcased songs are now "streaming/download" enabled, not all the albums I have purchased while location was in Germany.

I hope this will de indirectly resolved with iTunes Match for Music, but it should be generaly resolved for all of us as global movement is not limited to a small group of people anymore.



Dec 5, 2011 6:28 AM in response to Jerome Meyer

I have the same problem. I sometimes buy an iTunes gift card for US and change my country, and then change my country again to my original. But now all of my apps are seperate. When i check my purchases section, some of them are in the US store some of them are not. This is really annoying. Isn't there a way to fix this so we can see all of our purchases regardless we are in US or any other country?

Dec 11, 2011 12:58 AM in response to Steven Drew

I have got perfect solution for this problem.

Before changing country in your itunes account, sync(back-up your iphone) all of your apps with your itunes account once you done this your computer will have all your purchased apps in itunes apps caption.When any update for purchased app it will show in itunes and when you try to update apps its will show that "you own previous version of this app this update is free"

Dec 16, 2011 5:54 AM in response to Steven Drew

I recently moved from the USA to Chile and had the same problem. All my stuff is in the USA Store. While I can re download apps without paying again, they do not appear in the "purchased" list on itunes nor in the ipad or iphone. Fot the music is the same thing, but they do charge you again.

I don't know what will happen they day I buy a new ipad. Will all my USA Apps be available again? I hope Apple clarifies this situation and brings a solution.

Dec 18, 2011 2:52 PM in response to Steven Drew

Ok, some people here (e.g. haks) are missing the point badly.

If you once purchased an app you can always use it and download future updates for it. If you delete it from your iOS device and want to reinstall it, go to the store, click Buy, hold tight, and the "you have already paid for this item" message will come up. You panicked, but there was no need to.

The only problem, and I think it is a huge problem, is that these apps no longer show up in your purchased history on either your iOS devices or in iTunes, or on the Mac App Store.

Also, if you're the sort of person who updates apps from iTunes (why bother? Why not update them from the device?) these "foreign" apps may not show up for the update (but they will on your device).

So people whining have missed the point. I know, trust me, because I got hundreds of apps that I purchased from the UK store for a grand total of £505 before I moved to the US store. And although I am gutted that there seems to be no way to get these apps to return to the "purchased" tab of the App Store, at least I have not been stolen any money.

Now I have a tricky question, I wonder if anyone has tried it.

Suppose I buy 10 apps in country A then I change country to B, and buy 4 apps. I can only see 4 apps in my purchased tabs. But what if I change back to country A? I expect the 4 apps from country B will disappear. But, at least, will the old 10 apps reappear?

If you've tried and you see what I am talking about, please let me know!

Dec 19, 2011 6:42 AM in response to va1984

Your explanation is excellent. This is what happened to me. I haven't swiched back to "country B" again, but I am quite sure that you will be able to see all your previous purcharses again.

So, "if everything goes wrong" (you lose all your backups), you will always be able to swich back to any store and restore your stuff.

Dec 21, 2011 3:26 AM in response to fjvarela

Guys, I tried to switch back, but got the message "You have an active iTunes Match subscription; you must cancel it before you can change the stores." unfortunatelly there is no cancel button, just a "Turn Off Auto-Renew", even turning off iTunes Match for my iTunes doesn't cancel it. The questions is when I can't switch the stores with iTunes Match running, how can I see my old purchases? And if I would cancel it, do I need to purchase Match again and doing the Match of my library again? Leaves a lot questions for now. Hope Apple will bring a solution for "multi-store" purchases soon.

Feb 28, 2012 12:11 AM in response to Steven Drew

I lost almost $2000 of my digital assets due to my always changing location of an US expat.

Suddenly Apple terminate my Apple ID, saying that I access the US store from a Non US location.

I lost all the software (both for my iOS and Mac), musics, TV, etc for a crime that I didn't commit.

Apple should think more about the travellers.

Chaning country now is a common practice, the world is flat, and this policy is really bad for all the customers.


I moved country, changed iTunes stores and now my Apps can't be updated!?

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