itunes account hacked
Windows XP
Windows XP
This happened to me too. Man this ***** luckly i didnt have any bank information on it so they only took my eighty bucks i had left on it for chritsmas and my birthday. What they bought was multiple chinese games. (or add ons for it since the characters kinda looked the same) Is there anything i can do to get it back?
I got most of mine money back through Apple using the an advisor via a chat session. They rest was from the credit card company. Since it was a gift card, Apple may be your only chance to get your money back, but it's a lot of work for 8 bucks! I spent almost an hour on the computer chatting with the advisor before it was all done.
Here's the link if you want to try an advisor:
Good luck!
The same thing happened to me with the Chinese game buying and then the in-app purchases. It says it came from my PayPal, which had nothing in it and was connected to a bank account. Nothing has shown up on my bank account history yet, though. However, sent Apple an email and 15 mintues later I was refunded my purchases (around $37) minus the tax.
What makes me mad is that I got an e-mail saying it was purhcased from an unautherized device, yet it went through. There should be some security measure against this, similar to Steam Guard.
We got the same type of email related to my wife's account being used for over $40 in in-app purchases for Kingdom Conquest. A quick Google search indicates that this problem is pretty wide-spread, possibly affecting thousand of people and that Apple hadn't really been proactive in dealing with it. They did agree to refund the money, but I also don't see why they would allow the purchase to go through in the first place.
Just to be safe I checked my own iTunes account and saw a message that it had been accesses from a device that was not previously associated with my account. I deleted my credit card info, and don't plan on re-entering it.
I just had 2 purchases made to my credit card today to itunes. 43 and 56 dollars. My banks fraud dept. called me and asked if i made these . The first charge was a .43 cents charge to east gate hotel in georgia. Lady said that was a test charge to see if card works. Then they used on itunes for rest. Should i contact apple , i filled out forms with bank for reversal.
Only online purchase i made was for sprint bill using there website on blackberrry phone 1 night before. These 2 purchases from itunes had to be on someones acct? Do they try to track and file charges
This same stupid **** happened to me last week and then again just this morning!! thank goodness i check my email all the time. So i was able to get to it quick. Last week i reported it and changed all my passwords for both Itunes and Paypal and both itunes and paypal refunded my money back $19 for some weird game i've never even heard of. Now this morning i get an email from paypal stating a payment of $36 was made to itunes again! which i didnt do. I dont even know how this happened especially when i have removed my paypal info from Itunes and didnt update it to anything. I've filed another claim with paypal and Itunes and i'm just waiting to see what they will tell me now. This is rediculous. Makes me just want to remove my itunes accoutn fully!
Same happend to me. Somebody spent 44.47 from my account buying games (Island Empire from tap4fun). I've changed my password and sent an email to Apple requesting my money back.
we are traveling in CHina and my account was hacked. ton of purchases were made... we spent a good two hours trying to figure out a way to contact itune to report the problem but probably because of the weird internet connection here in China, we could never get to the page to submit our report. do you know the shortcut? or do anyone know itune's custom service phone line? we need to have this taken care of asap!
@ manute They do not have a customer service number to call. you have to submit online. They will blame you. Tell you that you did not have adequate safeguards in place to protect your account. I did get my daughters money back in our account, (less sales tax) but i would not link any card to my account. going forward I will only use gift cards bought in small $ increments and use them up as I get them. Good luck. The email address I received emails from when my accout was hacked was
Same thing here! $152!! I conntacted my bank and they shut down access I would recommend you do the same. My bamk told me they have had hundreds onf complants of the same thing today!
Today we got a email telling me 699.99 is going to my CC at it says a recept number everything that looks like a real email..had Lincoln to deny ch was only able to have me send it to phishing at apple.yuck..last month it was 49.99 twice had to get a new CC this *****.
i have the same problem to.. i just checked my itune account today and surprised that the credit balance is not up to what i'm expected...i remember buying a game which only cost me for about $ I checked my email and foud a receipt from itunes saying that I have buy something which i'm not buying it at all!!!.
Call Apple 800 263 3394 if in Canada, in US 800 275 2263
Ask them about fraud on your apple ID. they have departments that help.
Hope that helps 🙂
I discovered late last night that my itunes account was hacked as well. $288 was taken from my acount. I have had to cancel my card.
itunes account hacked