Sharp Edges on Mac Book Pro
Mac book pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
Mac book pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
So after having bought my new MacBook Pro, I too sent out on a venture to find a solution and found either no solution, or unacceptable solutions (for the most part). So having a wife who is a scrapbooker, who also owns a Cameo cutter.. I got to thinking I should pimp out my MacBook with some sweet custom cut vinyl decals. Then a thought came to me. What if I created a vinyl wrap for the front edge with some sort of "padding" under just the corner!
Prototype before I have her cut me a sweet set of vinyl wraps:
Here you can see that the vinyl is very thin and adds almost no thickness to the wrist area:
You can see the slight padding I have under the vinyl that just wraps the edge. For this "prototype" I just cut about a 1/4 inch strip of a paper towel. I used a "towel" type paper towel, not that harsh rough stuff. I had Viva brand on hand:
It's not impacting closing the MacBook at all as you can see here:
I've used this for 2 days now working for approx 12 hours each day and I have no more harsh edge lines on my wrist. And she happened to have some scrap black vinyl that happens to match the keyboard perfectly. Looks pretty sweet. Of course I could find a brushed or just aluminum color so they would virtually be unnoticable.
Also, these are completely removeable without leaving any residue. If there is any left, it's very minor and removed by just slight rubbing of the residue. This is the same vinyl used for signs or crafts.
I may have my wife cut these on her Cameo with the theme of the OS releases. Lion (would have been) lion paws, Mavericks will be waves and Yosemite will be silhouettes of El Capitan and maybe Sentinel Rock. But who knows, maybe they will be flames or something else fun. We'll see. 😎
wie715 wrote:
I readily admit that my ergonomics are appalling. I slump, I type on my lap, on crap desks in the back of developing market focus groups, in hotel beds and on planes. That's why I have a portable computer. Maybe I will get carpal tunnel, but I'll also get my email out by the end of the day today. If only the computer I otherwise love didn't make my wrist look like I'd hurt myself in the process. Can't we accept that my technique isn't perfect and just make it work for me anyway? I'd lose weight getting up to change the channel, too, but I do like using the remote. P-lease.
Steve Lessard Jr wrote:
If the edges were rounded off, and did not cause discomfort, and millions of people complained because they all developed carpal tunnel syndrome because their MBP supported bad ergonomics.
BTW I used my friends dell on my lap for about 10 minutes. His dell is plastic and has rounded off corners...and guess what... MY WRISTS HAD MARKS!
Sharp Edges on Mac Book Pro