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numbness in left hand after holding phone

Has anyone experienced any numbness in their hand after holding the phone?

iMac & G4 Powerbook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

Posted on Jun 25, 2010 2:34 AM

94 replies

Jul 30, 2010 10:58 AM in response to BertieS

All I know is that I have never experienced this before, I experienced it twice with the iPhone 4, did a search for it and there was an entire forum dedicated to it. If you want to prove people wrong, then make full contact on the whole logo side (top of phone where lock button is) for 30 min while it's on.

Since making the post, I have still continued to play, but now don't hold the left side and the numbness has stopped. It is clear to me that something is wrong here. And no, I'm not that litigious, I have never sued nor planned to sue anyone, but the matter should be resolved or acknowledged. I just want to know if it has long-term effects.

Jul 30, 2010 11:27 AM in response to Kirk Strobeck

Not to be argumentative, however, I still challenge you to research your complaint/ailment, outside of the few other (paranoid) complaints in some forum. Is there any proof anywhere that the iPhone is responsible for such physical problems as the source of the problem? Have you visited your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis, yet? I know from personal experience, that when I have aches and pains, changing my position, in the case of typing for example, usually relieves the stress that is causing the discomfort.

I urge you to check with your doctor, as others here have already said.

Good luck.


Jul 30, 2010 5:43 PM in response to Jon Markle

I will not be checking with my doctor as it has only happened those couple times when I was using the iPhone 4 in that way, no other time, no other device, even when used in the same manner. Nothing about this is paranoid, it is accurate to my experience. What was your experience by the way? None?

Have you visited a psychologist to see why you frequent forums where you have nothing applicable to communicate, but only write to tell others that what they have experienced didn't happen?

I urge you to check with your psychologist and grow up.

Good luck.


Jul 31, 2010 10:35 AM in response to Kirk Strobeck


PLEASE see a doctor. My dad developed carpel tunnel syndrome and lost the use of his hand for about 4 months because he ignored the numbness that was starting to develop when he was at his computer.
Like you, because he had not done anything different, he assumed it must be something new that he introduced into his environment or activities. By the time he went to a doctor, he didn't even have the hand strength to open a packet of sugar and had to be casted for an extended period of time.

I have another friend who ended up needing surgery on both his wrists and couldn't work for more than 4 months, and never regained full motion in one wrist..

It might just be a certain motion that you are making or a way you twist your wrists when you play a particular game or something, or it might be from repetitive texting in a certain position...

But do have it checked out before it gets to be an extreme issue....

Message was edited by: pberk

Jul 31, 2010 11:07 AM in response to modular747

modular747 wrote:
There's a negative placebo also, and this is what you're experiencing...

Nocebo response.


Thanks. I couldn't quite remember what the name of it was. I forgot what the people are who constantly exhibit this.

Seriously though, Apple needs to make sure that their users don't constantly produce the error code ID 10T, before selling their products to them. :-|

Sep 19, 2010 2:37 PM in response to 80skids

@80skids Was the replacement they give you fine?

I am experiencing a numbness when holding the phone and I have never had this on phones I have used before! 3G, 3GS and also a HTC Desire phone.

I am hoping it's just a defected handset and I have booked a Genius appointment for this week!

Message was edited by: Nero182

Sep 19, 2010 3:48 PM in response to BertieS

Some people experience tinnitus whilst watching low-volume television and others develop tumours allegedly from mobile phone use. I subscribe to the train of thought that mobile phones are going to be proven damaging in years to come, just like cigarettes were. I couldn't live without mine now but I do worry about the effects of using it, bigtime. Some people are more sensitive than others and just because the average user doesn't experience problems, that doesn't mean they don't exist for some folk. To say the OP is talking rubbish, being paranoid or slating Apple is daft. He quite possibly does experience a problem from using the IP4. Who knows. One thing's for certain, the external antenna was certainly a bad idea.

Jun 22, 2012 5:02 AM in response to BertieS

I got numbness and tingling from my ipad. You are not crazy. The EMFs are screwing with your body. I use a Q-neclace to prevent the RF. It helps for external electricity but with the ipad and iphone you have to touch it to get it to work and since your body is electric, this added electricity is causing problems for you and for me and for thousands. Apple is well aware of it and let me return the ipad. It was so bad that it was waking me up at night.

Aug 6, 2012 3:45 AM in response to BertieS

I have definitely been plagued by numbness, and pain in my left hand palm and middle finger, and my right hand palm and ring finger. The fingers lock into trigger finger position, and it is severely painful to have to straighten them out with the other hand. This has been going on for about 4 months, and I have visited both my regular internal medicine physician, and a bone specialist. They both referred me to a hand surgeon. This condition has been defined as trigger fingers and iPhone3g Tendonitis (a well known hand problem), the surgery is very painful, and the recovery time quite long (about 4 months). Right now I am sleeping in wrist braces, and I take Ibuprophen about 3 or 4 times per day, 800 mg. Don't really know if it is Apple's to fix, but they do encourage that we build our lives around our iPhones and iPads. I hate what this is doing to our society, especially our young people whose iPhone and computer time needs to be severely limited. I have noticed young people using their iPhones in restaurants while with their dates or families. Sometimes they are texting each other! My Granddaughters have been sending and receiving approximately 3,000 texts per month. No more though, their parents have put their footsdown! Face-to-face conversations are almost non-existent. Sign of the times, I hope not. There is nothing like a group of people talking about facinating subjects.

Dec 8, 2012 6:48 PM in response to BertieS

I experience this problem, tingling/numbness from just holding the phone after a few minutes. Most of my usage is reading the phone while holding in my left hand and the tingling is in my hand just below my little finger. I had the problem with my iphone 4, but it is worse with my iphone 5. More powerul radiation perhaps? I'm trying to put the phone on a table to read it now but thats not always possible. I do notice my ipad 2 does this as well but not as bad. It often feels numb tingling for a day or so after if i have held the phone for a while, so as you can inagine, unless I rake an intentional break from the phone, i get it a lot. Why are there so many people who say we are imagining this? Just because it hasn't affected you doesn't mean it isn't happening. It's a known fact mobile phones emit microwave radiation. So why is it such a stretch to think it migjt be affecting our hand?

Jan 22, 2013 7:19 AM in response to Cookiemarlene

I just got an iPad mini about a month ago, and I have noticed some uncomfortable sensations in my arms while using it. It's really humming away on the LTE netowrk, and you can feel it.

I am surprised how many people are using this forum to condescend to 'tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists' and spread misinformation. We are just people, asking a question. Is anyone else out there experiencing what I am experiencing? It appears that the answer is yes. Living in denial is unproductive.

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to reduce these numbness/tingling sensations when loading content? For example, any specific case designs you have used that helped? I really like my iPad, but I find it painful to enjoy the best content at high speeds!

numbness in left hand after holding phone

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