Printing same images multiple times on one 8.5 x 11 sheet
iPhoto version 3.0 - when I try to print using contact sheet choice, only one photo appears on the preview. How can I print 6-8 copies of the same photo on one sheet??
iPhoto version 3.0 - when I try to print using contact sheet choice, only one photo appears on the preview. How can I print 6-8 copies of the same photo on one sheet??
To print eight versions of the photos on one sheet,
For example (My screenshot is from Photos 4.0, but it has been similar in Photos 3.0)
To print eight versions of the photos on one sheet,
For example (My screenshot is from Photos 4.0, but it has been similar in Photos 3.0)
Alternately, you can use the "Fit" layout for one photo per sheet, but then tell your printer to scale it down to 6 or nine pages per sheet, for example:
This makes it easier to get the aspect ratio right and to prevent cropping.
But you still need to create as many copies of your photos as you want to go on one page.
iPhoto version 3 dates from about 2004 and wouldn't run on any current Mac models, so I'll guess you mean Photos.a. v3 and ask this be moved to the correct forum.
Printing same images multiple times on one 8.5 x 11 sheet