iPhone XS Max - Black dot
A black dot appears on the screen of my iPhone
iPhone XS Max
A black dot appears on the screen of my iPhone
iPhone XS Max
Try Some Troubleshooting?
If all else fails then make an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar for service. If you need to find an Apple Store - Find a Store - Apple. If you did not purchase it from Apple then you will need to look to the vendor for service or How to find your nearest Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) or Distributor (AAD).
Try Some Troubleshooting?
If all else fails then make an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar for service. If you need to find an Apple Store - Find a Store - Apple. If you did not purchase it from Apple then you will need to look to the vendor for service or How to find your nearest Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) or Distributor (AAD).
iPhone XS Max - Black dot