Thanks, it's an interesting tool. Basically the SOT clips become CC SOT clips and then I start the logging process. I'd be quite happy to give it a go!
I do most of the work on "paper" (it's actually a word document), following the transcript, checking the original clip for expressions, writing in and out of soundbites, paraphrasing info, etc.
Going through a project timeline, I can't quickly mark things on the original clip - or I have to repeatedly match frame.
Just to give you an idea of the drudgery: I am working on about 10 interviews, 30-40min long - everyone has to appear in at least one of two 3min videos for a technical audience. It would really speed up my work if I could just go from paper to browser and TC's matched, mark favourite or reject, add keywords, markers, notes and do all the beautiful logging things you can do in the browser.
One other solution would be to avoid losing original TC info from the very start, but I haven't been immediately successful. I am sure there's a way of retaining original TC on export, maybe not inside FCPX, but there will be something out there to do the job. I would have to export an audio only .mov or .mp4.
Sending out for transcription/translation the entire clip file is not an option for my environment's connectivity. I could use a proxy video retaining the same timecode, but I have to find a way to do it and it is still a lot of recompression time on my part. Plusa lot of the times I am asked for youtube links, since typers are seldom tech people and more often than not I get distress calls. It's just so quick to pull out an .mp3 straight out of FCPX.