Black video clips - help
I've been having more and more problems with black video clips.
Today's issue comes from a Canon video camera I use very regularly. It records with the avc1 codec. I just imported a long file from the Canon. In this screenshot, it is "Clip #7". All frames appear black:
But if I play it in the browser, I hear the audio.
If I right-click on it and choose Reveal In Finder, it does reveal, and it plays fine in QuickTime Player.
In the Inspector, this is what it looks like. All of this looks correct to me:
I tried File > Check Media for Compatibility: it reports no problems.
I tried Analyze and Fix. It doesn't fix the problem.
I could trash then reimport it, but that's time-consuming (I need to get to editing this thing!) and being that this isn't the first time this has happened to me, I really just want to find/understand the cause, and fix it. I'm kinda sick of people telling me to trash my FCPX preferences. If they're that fragile, something is seriously wrong.
Any other tips to get media to work?
N.B. I have imported hundreds of clips from this Canon camera in the past and not had problems -- so it's not an unusual codec or something like that.
Last week I had this exact problem with a different camera (GoPro clone) but assumed the reason was that I quit FCPX right after it was imported, so I had to cancel some analysis tasks, which I didn't know how to restart the next day.
Mac Pro, macOS 10.13