Can't update address on my contact card
Hello, I am unable to update my address on my contact card. I have changed it multiple times, restarted the phone, changed it again and it still reflects my old address. Maybe it is synching with something else that may have my old address? I have gone through my phone looking for any app/program that would have my old address, but I don't see anything showing the old address.
In turn, it keeps pulling my old address when I try to use autofill. If I go to autofill to update, it just asks me to select my contact card that I want to pull the autofill data from. I can't manually tell it the updated address to use. I thought of just creating a new contact card, but I really shouldn't have to do that. I should be able to change my address!
I am using an iPhone 10, software 12.2. I do not use facebook, so it is not synching from that. Please help!
iPhone X, iOS 12