Logic Pro X language
For some unknown reason my version of Logic Pro X changed into the French language!?! Where or how can I return to an English or maybe even a Dutch language version?
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.14
For some unknown reason my version of Logic Pro X changed into the French language!?! Where or how can I return to an English or maybe even a Dutch language version?
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.14
Fantastic !!! Many thx Tom !!!
I had to find and search but in the end I was on the 'System Preferences' menu and on the 'language & regio' preferable menu I could remove the language 'French'.
So now I'm back in English on the LPX.
Fantastic !!! Many thx Tom !!!
I had to find and search but in the end I was on the 'System Preferences' menu and on the 'language & regio' preferable menu I could remove the language 'French'.
So now I'm back in English on the LPX.
LPX should adopt the same language as your OS. Is it in English? There's no Dutch, only English, French, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish.
As an alternative there is an option to select the Logic language. Look at Logic Pro X -> Preferences -> Display -> General tab.
Hope that helps,
Indeed Wilddrums I can also select the English language like you wrote!
Many thx man!
Logic Pro X language