Can't find the documents in iCloud to delete
After reading the many help documents about iCloud and perusing the many posts I can't find the answer thats ailing me.
Q: How do I find the rouge '175 GB' files that are taking up space, and Delete them?
Here's the steps I took.
by going to 'apple > system preferences > iCloud > manage' says "The documents stored in the top level of your iCloud Drive folder takes up 175.3 GB.
I open the finder and navigate to the iCloud Drive,.. There are no files at the top level. There are no files in Desktop, and in Documents.
Here's a Get info to show the amount of storage I am using. 12 MB, 4.7 MB on disk.
Here's the individual folders.
I go online to, Check the storage amount. it matches what the MacBook says.
I go to the iCloud Drive's Top Level, there's no loose files floating around.
All of the folders are empty:
Example heres Desktop. I would show the rest of the folders, but I'm not able to insert any more images.
Thank you for your time and attention to my matters.
MacBook Pro