The software for the iPhone was corrupted during download (iTunes error code 1403)
I am trying to update my iPhone 6s plus and my iPhone Plus with the new update that was released recently, being iOS 12.4 .
I have tried a few times now to try and update via iTunes in Windows 10, however the same error appears once the download of the firmware is finished, and states:
"The software for the iPhone was corrupted during download. - Disconnect and reconnect, then try again. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, or try again later."
My iTunes Version : (Last version)
My download speed "in iTunes" about 1M/S .... The update takes about an hour or more to to complete
I disable my antiviruse and windows firewall and defender and all securety on my windows and i open 80,443 port in firewall
I remove the soft after all my trying (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates)
I checked my host file in (windows/system32)
I rest all network settings in windows using command Prompt
I try with same network using router and without it (Broadband / LAN Cable)
I try to update with another program without iTunes but All failed to find the update that is compatible with my device model
Update required MD5 : 75279e6f2f850ba825addfe590afb8ba
i cant find him manually
Sorry for my bad language ^_^
بالعربي :
iPhone 6s Plus