New MacBook Air drops WIFI connection every few minutes
I have a 2 month old MacBook Air, and we use Xfinity for our internet connection. I have been having issues the past few days with the internet dropping every few minutes. I have to click on our network name, and it does come right back. It's very disturbing, and today while "chatting" with Apple to resolve the issue, I was disconnected from the chat. We got a brand new modem/router combo yesterday, but that did not help. Today we had the Xfinity technician to the house, and he checked every connection, replaced some older cables, and he said the connection was fine. My roommate has no issues with her PC, and we have no issues with our iPhones. My sister was here yesterday, and had no issues with her MacBook Pro. The technician suggested that it may be a software issue. I called Apple today and the rep had me update to OS 12.14.6, but still no luck. As I was typing this, the connection dropped once again. Can someone please help me??? Thank you.