Photos app - import without making a copy, save changes back to original file
I have a bunch of photos on an external drive which I would like to import to Photos app to add geo tag and to adjust date/time. However, I would also like to keep the photos on that external drive and not make a copy.
So I imported the photos without making a copy and am able to make the changes, but it looks like I am not able to apply those changes back to the images on the external hard drive unless I export them from Photos app to that location (which results in copies since Photos' export does not overwrite the files).
Is there a way to have Photos app directly apply those changes to the files on my external drive? Ordinarily, I would just import all the contents of that drive into Photos but I am trying to stay away from bringing all my photos into Photo Library so I understand that I may be going anti-pattern.
Any tips would be welcome.
MacBook Pro Retina