Unauthorized payments
How to cancel unauthorized payments
iPhone X
How to cancel unauthorized payments
iPhone X
If they show on your iTunes account's purchase history, and if you claim you didn't do them (I assume you've changed the account's password etc. if you are saying it's been hacked), contact iTunes Support and see what they say : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww (click on your country's flag, the country where you live, and which is therefore the country on the account ; click on Contact Support towards the top right ; click on Get Help under 'Talk To Us’)
If they show on your iTunes account's purchase history, and if you claim you didn't do them (I assume you've changed the account's password etc. if you are saying it's been hacked), contact iTunes Support and see what they say : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww (click on your country's flag, the country where you live, and which is therefore the country on the account ; click on Contact Support towards the top right ; click on Get Help under 'Talk To Us’)
Unauthorized payments