Well, very strange behavior it seems. The "loginwindow" process is declared dead and then system seems to be shut down. What is killing the loginwindow process is not apparent. right before this happens "loginwindow" starts killing processes, but why have no idea.
I would take a look at all the items in the various system level launchd queues since you say the shutdowns are occurring for multiple accounts, correct? Your statement about how it shut down on your "admin" account seems confusing, as by default first (and usually only) account is always an admin type account, so do you normally have a second non-admin account you usually use? And the shutdowns are occurring in both of these? Do a "man launchd" in a terminal window to see some places to start looking (see FILES at the end of man page).
It appears there is some sort of cascade of events that precede the actual shutdown, all of which seem odd to be happening in the middle of normal operations. I would guess that some automatic/launchd based script is killing something it shouldn't be and that results in a series of events which ends in killing loginwindow itself, which normally would just cause you to abruptly be logged out, not cause the shutdown, so that is also weird. Have you had any system crashes that might have corrupted something on the disk? What is the result of the Terminal command:
sum /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow
On my High Sierra system build 17G8030 (you get this build number from "About this Mac" and then click on the version string under "MacOS High Sierra) it is:
30741 1230 /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow
This is just a WAG, but if you have a different checksum, then don't know what other choice you would have other than a refresh of the system.
Also items that would seem to suggest more investigation are:
and several others -- just look at your log and check things that give errors.
you seem to have a few of system level utilities/enhancements installed that might be old and no longer supported in High Sierra?
Good luck...