Had my first iPhone 11 pro crash today! 1-2h ago!
Was using and listening to music trough Apple Music with my new JayBird Vista, I put down my phone, took out my Vista’s and put them in the charging case which disconnects them from the iPhone and turns them off.
iPhone laid on the table idle for some time with Apple Music, and most probably only Apple Music running in the background because I have a habit of “swiping” away every app to close them. (Music was automatically paused.. Or at least it should have been, right?)
after 5? Minutes or so I grabbed the 11 pro, tried to turn on the screen but everything was black, except the lock-screen version of apple music with the play/pause etc buttons and everything showing! But without battery, cellular,, even the “swipe” Line on the bottom of the screen (in portrait) also the outlines “square” was not even showing. And, my green animated Live Photo (stock) backgroundwas gone..
And the funny thing was when I tried to press the power/wake button again the screen just Dimmed about 5% for each press Until it shut off, and the circle continued.
quite funny actually lol, but inconvenient!
I also got a VPN app (not the, “Free” type. At all..) Always running in the background/system But without Background data activated for that app, and 99% of the rest.. Because how cool is it that your data gets encrypted and sent near light speed to whatever country you choose, pop up and then get sent back even faster! 😎 (and you’re safe on public wifi without risking getting your passwords grabbed.. just an FYI)
(now you can recreate it apple!)
I then hold down power and volume up and after 10? Seconds the apple logo showed (in white, because oled. Ahh)
I am 100% certain that this is a software bug, and not the processor going all quantum and teleporting the electrons over into the wrong Lane/transistor and crashing the phone lol.
Similar stuff happened when I got the 8 plus, around New Years 2017/2018, It was my first iPhone ever and it happened once, then a iOS update came out and it didn’t happen again..
This will probably be an easy fix for Apple! So I wouldn’t worry about it.
How ever, If you cannot restart your device (any device) it’s more likely a hardware fault imo. So just keep holding the power and volume (faceID devices) Until the iPhone restarts and you will most likely not experience it again after it restarts.
Seems to be “quirky” circumstances 😁
But if it happens again I will probably make my own post here about it!