Looks like this might be a known limit of zip, which is what these archives are being created as, and 7-Zip is allowing something into the zip archive file names that it (arguably) probably should not. There might be a workaround, but for the creator of the zip archives. See the following URL, and see the -mcu stuff below.
Caslau.zip unpacks with the command line, as well:
$ zipinfo Caslau.zip
Archive: Caslau.zip
Zip file size: 2255415099 bytes, number of entries: 348
drwxa-- 2.0 fat 0 b- stor 19-May-06 01:11 Czech Cem_Caslau/
-rw-a-- 2.0 fat 6633597 b- defX 17-Sep-17 11:39 Czech Cem_Caslau/20170917_113951.jpg
-rw-a-- 2.0 fat 6431121 b- defX 17-Sep-17 12:20 Czech Cem_Caslau/20170917_121957.jpg
-rw-a-- 2.0 fat 6184800 b- defX 17-Sep-17 12:02 Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedländer Josef, Gustav_20170917_120216.jpg
-rw-a-- 2.0 fat 7738339 b- defX 17-Sep-17 12:02 Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedländer Josef, Gustav_20170917_120220.jpg
-rw-a-- 2.0 fat 8756593 b- defX 17-Sep-17 12:02 Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedländer Josef, Gustav_20170917_120227.jpg
-rw-a-- 2.0 fat 6808250 b- defX 17-Sep-17 12:16 Czech Cem_Caslau/_u_20170917_121653.jpg
348 files, 2263625977 bytes uncompressed, 2255356879 bytes compressed: 0.4%
$ unzip Caslau.zip "Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedländer Josef, Gustav_20170917_120220.jpg"
Archive: Caslau.zip
inflating: Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedländer Josef, Gustav_20170917_120220.jpg
$ file "Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedländer Josef, Gustav_20170917_120220.jpg"
Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedländer Josef, Gustav_20170917_120220.jpg: JPEG image data, Exif standard: [TIFF image data, little-endian, direntries=16], baseline, precision 8, 3096x4128, frames 3
I'm getting an encoding error in some contexts, though:
open "Czech Cem_Caslau/Friedl%E4nder Josef, Gustav_20170917_120220.jpg"
Looking at the not-working.zip in a directory listing, I'm seeing the same %E4 encoding in the unpacked filename.
That's almost certainly a z
In summary, it's possible to unpack the zip archives using the command line, which gets you where you want, if not entirely the way you want. I'm going to have to dig into the contents of the zip archives and the zip design docs in some detail and maybe into the 7z tool to see more about what's going on here, but that's something that won't effect your ability to read these archives.
Yes, I know, the restored filenames will be wrong. A script to fix that is certainly feasible.
7-Zip 7za (16.02) on macOS sees the same issue with unpacking the file names, so no help there.
With the Windows 7z/7za tool creating this zip archive, maybe switching from the default -mcu=off to -mcu=on might help? This selects UTF-8 filenames. This -mcu=on is discussed in the URL above. There's no Windows box handy to test that here, though.