Macintosh HD and Macintosh HD Data?
Why two I appear to have two drives following the Catalina update?
I erased the disc and installed fresh yet this is what appears in disk utility.
iMac 27" 5K, macOS 10.15
Why two I appear to have two drives following the Catalina update?
I erased the disc and installed fresh yet this is what appears in disk utility.
iMac 27" 5K, macOS 10.15
That's normal. The Mac HD - Data volume is where your files and apps are kept and you have access to them just like the older system volumes.
The Macintosh HD volume is where the system and system support files are kept and the user has no access to them. It's part of the new security that Catalina brings to the table.
What version of Catalina are you running? I have Version 10.15 (19A602) and only the -Data volume is shown in the Finder or in the Storage section of About this Mac but both are shown in Disk Utility.
That's normal. The Mac HD - Data volume is where your files and apps are kept and you have access to them just like the older system volumes.
The Macintosh HD volume is where the system and system support files are kept and the user has no access to them. It's part of the new security that Catalina brings to the table.
What version of Catalina are you running? I have Version 10.15 (19A602) and only the -Data volume is shown in the Finder or in the Storage section of About this Mac but both are shown in Disk Utility.
I'm having the same issue with my MacBook Pro 2017...I have no memory and this computer has virtually nothing on it. Just started using a Seagate Backup that tells me it can't catch screen shot and it hasn't resolved my issue, not even sure it is working. Still getting message about my disc is full. Can anyone assist as to how a computer that has hardly any files on it, transferred photos to external back, zipped files, no music, no movies, no games still has no memory?? I have Mohave 10.14.6 with 8 gb memory, should be just perfect for my business needs. Super frustrated with this computer it not living up to apple standards by any means. Any help would be really appreciated thanks!
So this is actually a new "view" based on my upgrade to Catalina 10.15?
As for them being different, if I click on them in finder, they both hold EXACTLY the same files and folders.
Explain that please?
I also asked this question because it appears that my amount of available storage has diminished substantially. Is there an explanation for that?
The number of issues occurring as a result of this upgrade are alarming and extremely annoying. And, I haven';t even mentioned my iPhone sync issues yet.
Very frustrated.
My inquiry is different. I upgraded from Majove to Catalina , but then I determined that Catalina was not working as satisfactorily for my needs as Mojoave. I then reinstalled Mojave. However, I still have both a HD and HD-Data folder characteristic of Catalina, but not Mojave. The computer works fine so far, but the HD-Data did not exist on my Mojove system (according to earlier versions of Mojave backed up on my external hard drive) before I upgraded to Catalina and then reverted to Mojave.
My questions are:
Thanks for any guidance that you can offer.
I recently upgraded my parents' 2017 iMac and encountered a similar yet different issue. I understand the need for a Mac HD and Mac HD - Data as part of the security of Catalina, but the machine ended up with 2 drives called "Mac HD - Data" after the upgrade. (To be fair I'm not certain it wasn't this way prior, but Time Machine is giving an error on backup related to the "duplicate" drives so I believe it's new.) Has any once else encountered this? Any ideas to solve? The top two volumes in the screen shot below clearly indicated Mac OS 10.15; the last one (selected) doesn't have any OS designation.
Old Toad,
Thanks for the reply, they both show up in finder, I have attached images, and they have the exact same folders. I am running Catalina 10.15 - I erased the disk and installed the OS fresh and now time machine is reporting it can't back up the system because the Macintosh -HD volume is already present and needs to be renamed even though I formatted the backup disk.
I am very confused by this whole thing, it seems there is an issue with the installation and/or restoration of data from time machine.
A day wasted restoring my system?
Thanks for any advice,
I have been amazed at all of the replies and issues folks are having.
Apple screwed the pooch on this one all in the interest of assimilating us into the Apple family with no real point of return. I embrace the security standpoint of the upgrade but the rollout and the issues it has caused make me wonder what is happening in the spaceship.
I have finally gotten my system stabilized but have never recovered so much data that was lost as a result of the eraser the update havoc wreaked on my system. This update caused TimeMachine to fail, every file in it is a useless 2kb or 4kb place marker and can not be recovered. I have gotten lucky with some things by literally clawing through the backups file by file to recover music and documents but past email folders and messages are dead and gone forever. Many years of Time Machine wiped out in an hour.....
It has been an absolute nightmare with daily occurrences of angst at not having an important document and hoping beyond hope I can dig it out of old hard drives stored on my bookshelf.
Cheers Apple.
Boot into Safe Mode (Use Safe Mode to isoloate issues with your Mac) with both drives connected and start a backup to see if both get backed up. Then reboot normally and test again.
NOTE: Safe Mode boot can take up to 10 minutes as it's doing some system cache cleaning, volume verifying and directory repairing.
Well, I hope no one takes your advice. When you install Catalina all of your data is put into the Data partition, and only Catalina itself is in Macintosh HD (where it is write protected). So if you delete the data partition (Macintosh Data) you will delete all of your data.
And if you just delete the data partition the remaining space on the physical drive does not automatically get reassigned to the Macintosh HD partition; it becomes unusable space. To recover that space you need to undo the partitioning:, then restore Time Machine.
Could you please tell me what you mean by 'reinstall correctly"
Here are the instructions on how to erase a disk which has Catalina installed.
And do look at lkrupp's explanation of the new filing system (eloquently explained).
FWIW, I have not ever seen a warning like that (your screenshot), so I do not know what that is except to guess that it may also have to do with something the new APFS did not allow.
I updated to Catalina and decided I didn't like it, so I restored from the last Mohave backup. It seems that both the Macintosh HD and the Macintosh HD - Data have the same amount of storage used, almost as if data files got stored into both internal storage hard drives. Like the information was doubled.
I updated to Catalina and decided I didn't like it, so I restored from the last Mohave backup. It seems that both the Macintosh HD and the Macintosh HD - Data have the same amount of storage used, almost as if data files got stored into both internal storage hard drives. Like the information was doubled.
Could you please tell me what you mean by 'reinstall correctly"? Please understand that I mean absolutely no sarcasm here. There seems to be a good chance that I will receive the same error that I am getting now, shown in the graphic below, if I were to reinstall incorrectly. I fear the issue that I presented in my first posting, and this issue are related
If I search concerning this issue on the internet, the answers state that if all other solutions fail, I should reinstall the OS as a last resort to make this error go away. I have tried every solution I a can find, and fear that reinstallation could be repetitious if I don't understand the issues presented here and in the previous email
Thank you for your time.
There is something wrong - there is no way Apple takes half of a 2 TB drive for the OS - that Mac HD portion is normally quite small - mine is less than 12 GB:
So, can you post more details and provide screenshots please.
I made two separate volume so that I can easily update my OS if in case a problem occur. Here's how it looked like if I view it from the 'Storage'.
However, after updating to macOS Catalina, 10.15.4, The HD Volume created additional Volume which is 'HD - Data'. What should I do with this? Should I delete 'HD - Data'? How do I clean install the new OS in my laptop?
Additional question, how do I transfer my backup file in a hard drive ntfs format?
Thank you.
Macintosh HD and Macintosh HD Data?