Boot drive omap corruption
Long story short my MacBook freezes because its SSD boot drive gets disconnected during operation. Boots to prohibitory sign. Tried first aid using another Mac, tried fsck using another Mac, but I haven't tried fsck in single user mode booting off the SSD because it won't go to single user mode, instead runs its codes and displays around a couple hundred of these codes:
and then freezes into this:
SSD First aid log:
Running First Aid on “INTEL SS DSC2KW256G8 Media” (disk2)
Checking prerequisites
Checking the partition list
Checking the partition map size
Checking for an EFI system partition
Problems were found with the partition map which might prevent booting
This disk doesn’t contain an EFI system partition. If you want to start up your computer with this disk or include it in a RAID set, back up your data and partition this disk. : (-69767)
Operation failed…
Another "disk" called AppleAPFSMedia which is probably my boot partition, first aid log:
Running First Aid on “AppleAPFSMedia” (disk3)
Fixing damaged partition map.
Invalid disk.
Operation failed…
I need the data on that drive and the programs as well, I wouldn't want to restart everything. I was thinking if it were possible to fix the drive enough so that migration assistant could detect the drive and copy the data.
*Running off temporary external drive with Catalina install. The SSD has Mojave on it.
MacBook Pro 13", macOS 10.14