@kellyNYC, Maybe we can do a little test. For example, I have a pretty ordinary fan in my bathroom (in the ceiling like most bathrooms have). Before 2B588, with that fan on and the door OPEN, even about 2 feet away from the fan, the sound of the fan was entirely eliminated. It was a feeling like I was in space -- like in a vacuum. No sound. Nothing. Literally no background noises of any kind.
Now on 2B588 and 2C54, if that bathroom fan is on, even if I CLOSE the bathroom door, I can still hear the humming of the fan... and that's how I noticed this issue to begin with.
Also my typing now, I am wearing the AirPods with ANC on and I can hear my typing as if the ANC was OFF. Before this, the sound of typing sounded more like it was in the faint distance (or in another room) if that makes sense.
Sounds of people talking were like muffled like as if I were underwater before 2B588... Turned on Transparency Mode and then I could hear them perfectly. Now, voices are pretty normal.
Subways and busses -- sounds were almost 100% gone... No engine sounds. No tires. No brakes... Almost 0 sound. Now all of these are clearly audible.
The sound of my OWN voice talking or singing, before, I could literally sing along to a song and it would eliminate my voice (I was shocked by this). Now, there is no such thing. It just turns the volume of my voice down about 20%.
When I would turn on ANC, it would really feel like I was in a space vacuum. Total silence. It was almost eerie... I've never experienced silence like that. Now it's just... meh.
Maybe this might help you kind of imagine it. Also, the first time I turned on ANC was in the LOUD Apple Store itself with about 200 customers in there and a Keynote presentation going on. When it turned on... I was speechless... Of course it didn't eliminate EVERYTHING but it was ridiculously loud in there... But it eliminated it so well that when I put on music on a low-medium volume, even the loud Apple Store was entirely silenced to me. That's not so anymore :(
Maybe you can let me know how some of these sound to you (like a bathroom fan or car traffic)...
That reminds me.. Before the update, walking down the street... there was almost no sounds of cars... now it's barely different between ANC and Off... Again maybe a 20-25% difference in the sounds of traffic. Before it was really crazy good.