cant open photo library
I exported all my photos and videos from Six "PHOTOS" libraries into a folder to later import and create one "Home Library".
I had called APPLE Support and ask this question:
"When open PHOTOS, I would get a tutorial page NOT the library."
-APPLE response: "the reason is your "HOME LIBRARY" is in an external drive which is turned off... the computer can not access to it." Which was correct!
I was the told, and walked through, how to create a Single "HOME LIBRARY". I EXPORTED all my Photos in a folder, IMPORTED all photos into one library and put that "HOME LIBRARY" onto my internal hard drive so it could be recognized easily. .. I does not open!
It now shows an empty Library (as you see in the photo i provided) even though my HOME LIBRARY in on my internal hard drive..
Why is my new photo library not being recognized?! Thanks All