how to return a lost or stolen locked ipad to owner
Hello, can anybody advise? I have got possession of a iPAD pro, from a woman who worked at a rehab facility, who somehow got possession of this iPAD pro from a resident (patient?) It is obvious this was not returned to him/her, the patient. This woman gave it to me in hopes my very smart kid could unlock it, as it is locked with username and pass code. I would like to return it to the person who it belongs to. How do I do that? I do not know when they were admitted, or anything about that. Is there a way to use the numbers on the backside? I really think it was a crappy thing to do to someone that already has problems, and then someone that should be helping steals from them. What can I do to find the owner? Please help me return this to that poor soul.
iPad, iOS 10