Try connecting the laptop directly to the router using an Ethernet cable to eliminate any WiFi issues. Do you still have issues?
Have you rebooted your laptop?
Turn off your laptop and reboot your modem & router. Give them both at least five minutes to return to a normal state before booting your laptop to test your internet connection.
If you have any Anti-Virus or security apps, then uninstall them by following the developer's instructions. These apps are not needed on a Mac and usually cause more problems than they solve plus they impact system performance. You may want to remove any installed browser extensions as well. Try using another browser and empty the browser's cookie's and cache.
Here is an Apple article for troubleshooting network issues:
Sometimes the issues are with your ISP or the Internet in general and other times some websites just have issues. If it is only related to playing videos, then perhaps your software is too far out of date to play the videos.
Are your issues with just certain websites or every website? Certain videos or all videos? Does the same issues occur when accessing the Internet from another location than your house?