How do I set the AM/PM to lowercase in Numbers?
I know how to set a custom format - but why can't I choose lowercase am/pm? Seems like this would be a simple request? Not a big deal, just irks me that I can't choose that
I know how to set a custom format - but why can't I choose lowercase am/pm? Seems like this would be a simple request? Not a big deal, just irks me that I can't choose that
If lowercase is really important to your presentation then you can just format the cells as Text (as opposed to Automatic or Date & Time) and enter the times, with a space before a lower-case am/pm. Numbers will happily interpret those as dates-times, and you can perform date-time arithmetic on them. An incidental advantage of doing the is that Numbers doesn't insist on also putting the date in the cell (even if you have formatted the cell to hide the date).
You can also use a formula to convert a "true" date-time (right-justified by default) in a cell to a string (text) with lower-case am/pm.
With the original date-time in A2, the formula is:
=MOD(HOUR(A2),12)&":"&MINUTE(A2)& " " &IF(HOUR(A2)>12,"pm","am")
Hi TahoeDog,
Custom Format with default lower case for am/pm
Or Date & Time format
I can not see how you are getting upper case AM/PM
Please explain your workflow!
Tested in Numbers 6.1 under macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Hi Yellowbox,
I do not know why mine shows uppercase only -- I did not choose this. I would rather have lowercase, like you do! haha, how did you get that??
I'm on Numbers 6.2.1 on Catalina,
North Carolina, US
Hi Ian,
I show same as quinn and TahoeDog under Custom Format. Maybe it's another one of those inexplicable Northern Hemisphere/Southern Hemisphere things? 😀
In any case, just formatting as Text works well here. Easier than setting up a Custom Format.
Hi Ian,
Numbers 6.2 Mojave 10.14.6
Wonder if it relates to Launguage and Region?
Hi quinn,
Yes, Language & Region. Good catch!
Well, we are upside-down here 🙃.
Hi TahoeDog412,
I don't see an option there either.
In the formula >12 should be >=12.
Easier to just format as Text, though.
Thanks for this very thorough explanation! Seems crazy to me that all of this is required rather than just an option to choose "am/pm" or "AM/PM" in the Custom Format section
How do I set the AM/PM to lowercase in Numbers?