Philips Hue motion sensor inaccurate outdoor temperature readings
I have two outdoor Philips Hue motion sensors. The temperature readings are accurate as long as it's above zero (Celsius), but when it's colder than zero, the Home app continues to read the temperature as zero. For example, this past week it has been around -20C and Siri still says it's zero on the driveway or in the backyard. I contacted Philips, and their response was as follows:
"HomeKit is not able to display temperatures below zero degrees for any device. This is a limitation within the software of Apple."
And when I inquired how to see the temperature using the Philips Hue app, the further response:
"We'd recommend sharing this feedback with our friends at Apple since this is a limitation within their software. It is not possible to see this in the Hue app since temperature is not the main feature of the motion sensor."
Is there any way to fix this so I can see accurate sub-zero temperatures using the Home app?
iPhone X