iOS background apps
How is it possible that I have WhatsApp not running or in the background and I still get or receive messages?
iPhone XS, iOS 13
How is it possible that I have WhatsApp not running or in the background and I still get or receive messages?
iPhone XS, iOS 13
Push notifications don't rely on the app actually running on your device. The app is not listening.
You can find detailed information on how push notification work here:
Push notifications don't rely on the app actually running on your device. The app is not listening.
You can find detailed information on how push notification work here:
Obviously, WhatsApp iOS application is listing to an agreed upon port. If I don’t start the iOS app, it can’t listen for communication. If I have selected no background activity, it can’t run in the background
I think this is an example of an application that breaks the rules and it is running resident processes (probably at startup) without the user’s knowledge. Is there an iOS app that monitors the ports and can turn them off at will?
Thanks, very interesting completely different from how I thought it was implemented. Any how it begs the question, is a read receipt just a confirmation that it hit Apples notification server or actually a read receipt....
thanks again!
Then there’s Location Services where the app may be backgrounded but is still happily churning away keeping your maps updated, your waypoints registered, your WhatsApp/FaceBook/etc. chums appraised of your location, etc. And duly draining the battery as well.
When you installed/enabled WhatsApp it also told the system to receive all traffic from that social network at all times. Even if the app is not running.
Little Snitch would be great for the iPhone
iOS background apps