Does the lumafusion program work with Final Cut Pro files?
I was wondering if the lumafusion app on the ipad works with Final Cut Pro files?
I was wondering if the lumafusion app on the ipad works with Final Cut Pro files?
What type of Final Cut Pro files? If you are talking about video files then LumaFusion does support a vast amount of different formats. If you are talking about Final Cut project files then no.
Video. I was trying to import a video using that was WEBM File (.webm) on my PC. I looked up this kind of format on the internet and told me it's part of final cut. Since I have the ipad pro I was thinking of trying it out the Lumafusion app.
You cannot import Final Cut Pro project files, as is, into LumaFusion.
Final Cut files need to be rendered out in a full computer an exported into a video format.
Also, individual edited clips from Final Cut can be exported out to use in LumaFusion, also.
Not sure about the WEBM format, though.
You would need to contact the developers of LumaFusion and asked them about the use of this format.
This is one of Final Cut and Final Cut Pro’s exported video formats, but it may or may not be supported on LumaFusion.
Contact the developers and ask.
LumaFusion is really meant to be a full blowm, standslone video content editor for iOS/iPadOS and iPad and meant to be used on its own.
LumaFusion files can be exported/saved to formats that can be used with both Final Cut Pro AND Adobe Premiere, but I am NOT sure what other formats can be brought into from the full computer programs.
I use an older version of Final Cut Express on my Mac and some exported formats can be transferred to LumaFusion, some can’t, but all of my LumaFusion saved/exported files can be brought into my version of Final Cut Express with no real issues.
Best of Luck to You!
Thank you so much for your help.
Does the lumafusion program work with Final Cut Pro files?