Contacts Do Not Show Up In iPhone
I have my contacts synced across two Macs and my phone (X). Contacts are also synced to one Gmail account. I have deleted all other links of any kind between the phone and other accounts. Lately, most times when I go to call someone they do not show up in Contacts. I have tried toggling between Default Contact Lists on the phone (iCloud/Personal) but it doesn't help. They each show a small subset of all my contacts.
I should also mention that frequently addresses I input on my Macs does not show up on the phone after syncing.
But, here's the weird part. If I input a name into Messages, as if I'm going to text them then, I can click their initials at the top of the page--then you see the options for Audio, FaceTime, or Info (pic), then I can click info and call them. But I can't find their number any other way.
I'd like to copy and delete every contact on every device and reimport but Contacts makes that difficult and there should be a better way.