Driver Printer Canon G2010
Please help me to get driver my printer "canon pima g 2010"
MacBook, macOS 10.15
Please help me to get driver my printer "canon pima g 2010"
MacBook, macOS 10.15
I thought that you have problem with your PIXMA G2010.
I suggest you to find PIXMA G2010 driver full for Mac on : Driver Canon G2010
They always provide the full latest version drivers printer for Mac.
Hope it can help.
I thought that you have problem with your PIXMA G2010.
I suggest you to find PIXMA G2010 driver full for Mac on : Driver Canon G2010
They always provide the full latest version drivers printer for Mac.
Hope it can help.
According to this Canon compatibility site, the Pixma G2010 (or MG2010) is not compatible with macOS High Sierra 10.13, Mojave 10.14, or Catalina 10.15. It is not supported by Apple's AIrPrint technology either.
I am not familiar with this printer. Why do you now need a driver? Is it due to an OS upgrade? Please provide some more detailed information so we can help you such as the exact printer model number and the year and model of your Mac. The Cannon support site for printer drivers has no reference to "pima" printers. Is that the precise name? Is it an old printer? Maybe if you contact Cannon directly and ask for help, they can direct you to a driver, if one is available. Does your printer work with Air Print? If so, you shouldn't need a driver. Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time.
There are several websites that give the illusion that they are affiliated with Canon, but in reality are not. You have no assurance that downloading a driver from them is all you will get (malware), or even a working Mac driver at all.
If the real Canon domains (,,,,, etc) says that the MG2010 is not supported on their legitimate site, then how could another non-Canon site with some non-Canon domain name (e.g. have a compatible driver for download? Don't be tricked by these non-Canon domain sites.
These non-Canon (unofficial) driver sites are click-bait, and cannot furnish drivers that Canon never made for Mac. Additionally, even if they show a download for a Mac G2010 driver, doing so may introduce malware and not a driver at all.
agree. mine also doesnt works. :(
You may try download canon g2010 printer driver. oflline. and you can install the printer setup without CD.
I think there is no driver for my pinter canon pixma g 2010.
Yes, I don't see any signals here. And there seems to be no other way
Driver Printer Canon G2010