Network user cannot authenticate to access shared folders
I have a brand new Mac mini (macOS Catalina) where I setup a local user (administrator). I bound it to a OpenDirectory server (hosted on an older Mac mini) where I stored the credentials of another user (user1). The binding was successful because I can see the "user1" in the Directory Utility on the brand new Mac mini. Moreover, on the brand new Mac mini I switched the "Remote Login" on for all the users and I verified that I can access remotely via ssh from my MacBook Pro by using both the local user "administrator" and the network user "user1". Therefore, the authentication seems to work correctly on the Mac mini.
Then, on the desktop of the brand new Mac mini I created a new folder (test). I went again in System Preferences/Sharing and I switched on the "File Sharing": I added the test folder in the Shared Folders and I added both administrator and user1 in the Users window (give them "Read & Write" permissions).
To test the file sharing, I used again my Macbook Pro, and I used the SMB protocol to access the shared folder: with the user "administrator" I can access it but with the network user "user1" the authentication fails.
I searched in the forum and I found this discussion that reports a similar issue and that was solved by adding the missing SMB-NTLMv2 authentication method in the authentication server as explained in However, I checked the list of all the authentication methods available on my authentication server by the command:
dscl /LDAPv3/ read / AuthMethod
and the dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthSMBNTKey item is already present. In fact, when I try to add that method with the command:
dscl -u diradmin -p /LDAPv3/ -append /Config/dirserv apple-enabled-auth-mech SMB-NTLMv2
I got the message error:
<main> attribute status: eDSSchemaError
<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14142 (eDSSchemaError)
I cannot think to other causes that prevent the network user to access the shared folder while the local user does. Do you have hints or advices to solve this issue?
Thank you for any suggestion,