How can I simplify CTRL SHIFT COMMAND 3 in Chrome?
I need to create fullscreen screens directrly to the memory while working in Chrome.
How can I simplify it? Make it two buttons not four. Or even one if possible.
I need to create fullscreen screens directrly to the memory while working in Chrome.
How can I simplify it? Make it two buttons not four. Or even one if possible.
System Preferences>Keyboard:
Use 'Enter full screen' from the V'iew' menu. F11 is just an example - it's what I use. Choose something which doesn't clash with an existing command.
This example is from Mavericks: later systems may be different.
System Preferences>Keyboard:
Use 'Enter full screen' from the V'iew' menu. F11 is just an example - it's what I use. Choose something which doesn't clash with an existing command.
This example is from Mavericks: later systems may be different.
Roger, thank you very much! Your answer is very clear and helpful. But only for the first step of what I need to do.
I need to make a screenshot of a screen in a fullscreen mode and save it to the clipboard, not desktop.
First I need to enter fullscreen mode. Here your answer is helpful. You've wrote how to do it quickly.
Then I need to make a screenshot.
In my mac it's SHIFT+COMMAND+3 (it's not my setting, it's defoult)
To save the shot to the clipboard I need to press CTRL aditionally (at the same time).
So I want to simplify this action.
I don't know the name of command "to make a screenshot" to use your instruction above, but it seems to be possible the way you wrote.
Here you go:
You are a genius!!! :) :) :)
That's it!
Thank you so much!
How can I simplify CTRL SHIFT COMMAND 3 in Chrome?