iMessage issue: An error occurred during activation. Try again
I can't login to iMessage and/or Facetime on Mac, even though it was working perfectly fine 3 days ago. After the first click on the OK button it doesn’t respond. On the second click it came up with the error message: “An error occurred during activation. Try again“.
I have already researched on the Apple website and various others to attempt to fix the problem, but nothing has worked. Every attempt I made came with the same message.
One of the websites I named was this one:
An Apple website I read but didn’t work was this one:
Regarding Facetime, I kept getting the message: "This account has no reachable email addresses. Please sign into in order to add one.".
I tried all possible solutions listed on these websites.
It is a real shame not being able to use these apps when they were working completely fine before.
Thank you for your support everyone.