Apple TV: ID Verification
I am the 2nd owner of my Apple TV. I have gone into "Settings" > "Users and Accounts" > Clicked on the old user and have removed his account. I added my account. All that worked very smoothly. My question is - Whenever I open the Music App to play my Apple Music, a screen keeps popping up that says "Apple ID Verification" "Enter the password for ____ (old users email address)___ in settings." You can click Settings or Not Now. I have tried clicking both. When I click "Not Now" the same Apple ID Verification screen immediately just pops back up. And it does it over and over and over again. When I click Settings, it shows that I am the only user on this Apple TV. I have already removed the old user, so I don't know why it's asking me to enter his password. I don't know his password. So far, I have only experienced this problem on the music app, but it could be happening on other apps too... Can someone please help me resolve this issue?