ecg australia
Why is it that a cheap $150 smart watch G7 has the ECG function available in Australia and my $1200 apple watch doesn't?
I have the series 4 and was hoping that the ECG function would now be available. Why is this taking so long? Apple brags about how many lives are saved with this function so does this mean that there are potentially lives that could have been saved here in Australia? what is going on are humans different in America then Australia? Are American hearts weird differently in America? I don't understand? We all need and deserve an explanation And don't just palm it off to the Australia (TGA) it is your problem APPLE to get the regulations through and if not, remove the ECG function altogether and give Australians a cheaper apple watch. We need some answers as there is absolutely no doubt if the apple watch is saving lives in America then we are losing lives in Australia and that's just not fair!
Apple Watch