Stuck in Windows 10...
It looks this may be a problem a few folks are having, but I am not finding the exact answer I need, so I'm adding to the list of folks...
I've got a Mac Mini (post 2012).
I installed Boot Camp last year, and successfully have been running Windows 10 on it.
Mostly, my 12yo uses the Windows side to play Crazy Craft!
I now can't get back to the Mac partition.
If I select "Restart in Mac OS X..." - I get the error "Could not locate the OS X boot volume."
If I try to restart, and hold down the Alt/Option key - it restarts in Windows again (I'm wondering if this is because I have a wireless keyboard??)
and if I open the Boot Camp control panel, it's only showing the Windows option:
have I corrupted my OS partition?? how do I get back to OS X?? btw, I am running Catalina
any help appreciated!!
Mac mini, macOS 10.15